Sunday, February 7, 2010

Olivia turns 5!!

Ms, Char, best preschool teacher ever!

February 3rd was Olivia's "Fancy Nancy" birthday party. Note to self, don't plan a party when nesting. I went a little overboard. I should have taken more pictures of the decorations and crafts. My sisters were sweet to run the beauty salon where nails were painted and fairy glitter was applied. My mother-in-law helped the party girls bedazzle pink felt purses. We also decorated butterfly placemats and cupcakes. Parfaits were our fancy snack. The boys were banished to Kangaroo Zoo with my mom so the they would not disturb the girly atmosphere. The twelve little party guests were in heaven with tiaras, sunglasses and necklaces. Olivia is a joy. We love our precious daughter, during the party she kept saying, "This is the best party ever." I am glad it was a success!

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