Monday, May 26, 2008

Sam is a Trooper

This year has been a doozey for Sam. We were so excited for him to be in an advanced school program and instead of it being this great learning experience he has had to suffer through mean Mrs. Moore and waking up early every morning. To make matters worse the poor guy found out about Santa and got the blow that we have our house up for sale again ( I know we cannot stay put!) To keep up his spirits he worked hard and earned his brown belt in Karate and did some serious skiing this winter! Next year can only be an improvement. We love you Sam!


H and E said...

He is such a trooper and such a good boy! I have a feeling next year will be his good luck year!

Whitney said...

I love your post Bekah. Your kids are all so smart and funny and you are such a great mom! I love how Sam is such a gentle giant and how Brig looks out for the underdog. I love how Charlie can always make me smile and Livvy is a sweetheart! I know I see them all the time, but reading your blog actually got me a little choked up.

Unknown said...

So Michelle and I went through your clothes today and we loved everything!!!! There are a few things we are going to share because they are just too stinkin cute. (That cream jacket with the pastel color hints for one). Thank you so much for thinking of us. You just made both of our days. Thanks again!!!!